Firewall Issues re: Port tables

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Postby padraig » Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:05 am

I have been unable to connect to my FTP space.
I have followed the much mentioned port table for my solaris account.
I have tried to acces this via IEXPLORE browser, the dos command line, several OSX clients, from a Solairs 9 command line, from a RH 9 command line, and from an OSX command line.
And nothing, I think the issue is because our firewall has those ports blocked- A review of the firewall log shows this being blocked... anyway it isnt a very big deal I will try again when I get home and modify my home firewall if needed.

I just wanted to state the obvious, as it seems no one else has addressed this issue. I can imagine that new users might get frustrated and blast the forum.


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